
W3C Verifiable Credentials Overviewを読む(4)


続けてW3C Verifiable Credentials Overviewを読んでいきます。

  1. Introduction
  2. Ecosystem Overview
  3. Verifiable Credentials Data Model
  4. Securing Credentials
  5. Bitstring Status List
  6. Additional Publications
今回は3つ目のVerifiable Credentials Data Modelです。
ちょっと長いので分割したいと思います。今回は3.1のBasic Structureに関してです。

1. Basic Structure

1-1. Claims, Properties

A core concept is "claims": statements made about various entities, referred to as "subjects". Subjects may be a holder, an issuer, or a verifier as listed above, but may also any be another person (e.g., the person holding a university degree), an animal, an abstract concept, etc. Claims may also be on a Credential itself, such as issuance date, validity periods, etc. (Such claims are also loosely referred to as "credential metadata".)

Claims are expressed using "properties" referring to "values". Values may be literals, but may also be other entities referred to, usually, by a [URL]. It that case, the entity may become the subject of another claim; these claims, together, form a "graph" of claims that represents a Credential. (See Figure 6 for an example of such a graph, represented graphically. For more complex examples, refer to the Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 specification itself.)


「クレデンシャルメタデータ」とも呼ばれる。クレデンシャルメタデータは、通常、[URL]で参照される他のエンティティを指すこともある。その場合、そのエンティティは別のクレデンシャルの主題となり得る。これらのクレデンシャルメタデータは、クレデンシャルを表す「グラフ」を形成する。このようなグラフの例については、図6を参照のこと。より複雑な例については、Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 仕様書を参照してください。

図3. The basic structure of a claim with (in this case) a literal value.

この「クレーム」という考え方の理解は非常に重要です。属性(Attribute)からクレーム(Claim)へのパラダイムシフトについてはKim Cameronの最後のスピーチでも語られた通りです。(日本語訳はこちら


つまり、サブジェクトやクレデンシャルに関する情報で検証されるべきものなんですよね。そう言う意味でが元々Verifiable Credentialsが「Verifiable Claims」という名称で仕様の検証が行われていた時代の方が伝わりやすかったのでは?と個人的には思ったりします。

The Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0 document specifies a number of standard properties. These include, for example, credentialSubject, type, issuer, or validFrom. Developers may define their own properties to express specific types of Credentials, like a driving license, a university degree, or a marriage certificate.

Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0文書では、多くの標準プロパティが指定されています。 例えば、credentialSubject、type、issuer、validFromなどが挙げられます。開発者は、運転免許証、学位、結婚証明書など、特定の種類のクレデンシャルを表現するために独自のプロパティを定義することができます。


1-2. Verifiable Credentials

A Credential is a set of one or more claims made by the same entity. Credentials might also include an identifier and metadata to describe properties of the Credential, such as a reference to the issuer, the validity date, a representative image, the revocation mechanism, and so on. A Verifiable Credential is a set of claims and metadata that also includes verification mechanisms that cryptographically prove who issued it, ensures that the data has not been tampered with, etc.

For a more detailed description of abstract Verifiable Credentials, with examples, see the relevant section in the data model specification.



図4. Basic components of a Verifiable Credential.

ここではVerifiable Credentialsの構造について語られています。すでにこれまでも語られてきたことばかりではありますが、Verifiable Credentialsにはメタデータ、クレーム、証明(これはIntroductionでも触れた通りJWSだったりData Integrity Proofの場合もあります)で構成されています。

1-3. Verifiable Presentations

Enhancing privacy is a key design feature of Verifiable Credentials. Therefore, it is important, for entities using this technology, to be able to express only the portions of their persona that are appropriate for a given situation. The expression of a subset of one's persona is called a Verifiable Presentation. Examples of different personas include a person's professional persona, their online gaming persona, their family persona, or an incognito persona.

A Verifiable Presentation is created by a holder, can express data stemming from multiple Verifiable Credentials, and can contain additional metadata in forms of additional claims. They are used to present claims to a verifier. It is also possible to present Verifiable Credential directly.

A Verifiable Presentation is usually short-lived, it is not meant to be stored for a longer period.

For a more detailed description of abstract Verifiable Presentations, with examples, see the relevant section in the data model specification. 





図5. Basic components of a verifiable presentation.
ここれはVerifiable Presentationについて語られています。ポイントは選択的開示などプライバシーに配慮するためにはVerifiable Credentialsを「そのまま」Verifierに渡すのではなく、Verifiable Presentationという形でHolderによって表明されることが重要、ということです。


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