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1週間しか間があかずに新しい Hotfix がリリースされる、というのはこれまでなかったような気がします。。。
FIM Service
Issue 1
When you have very long XPath queries in the FIM Service, CPU usage may increase. This causes a decrease in performance.FIM Synchronization Service
Issue 1
The Synchronization Service may leak memory when you use an ECMA2 connector.Issue 2
When an existing ECMA2 connector is updated when a server configuration is moved between servers, the update is unsuccessful. This problem occurs when the connector requires access to encrypted parameters, such as a password, to complete the operation.Issue 3
When an import is confirmed, a staging error may occur in rare cases. When this problem occurs, you receive the following error message:Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.mms_cs_link'Issue 4
If during a full import on the Active Directory management agent there is a reference on an organizational unit (OU) to an OU two levels down, the sync engine will crash.Issue 5
When you select the option to abandon the key set in the Synchronization Service Key Management Utility, the operation may be unsuccessful. Additionally, you receive the following error message:Value is not in the expected range.BHOLD suite
Issue 1
The processing of BHOLD Queue entries takes a longer time than expected to finish after an earlier hotfix is applied.Issue 2
You cannot add a permission for a user by using the BHOLD connector if the permission was ever denied for the user.Issue 3
The removal of permissions from a personal role (prefixed with PR-) does not trigger the removal of those permissions from the user.
ちなみに FIM Reporting を System Center Service Manager 2012 SP1 以降の環境で使っている場合は、この Hotfix を適用する前に一旦 FIM Reporting の機能を削除してから Hotfix をインストールし、再度 FIM Reporting を追加するという手順を踏む必要があるようです。
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