

先日MVP OpenDayというクローズなイベントがあり、色々と話を聴いたのですが流石にNDAが多くblogにかけないものばかりですので、ここでは現状TechEd Europeなどで公開されている情報を。

提供されるサービス自体ももちろん色々とエンハンスされていますが、ここではアイデンティティ管理に関する機能に着目してみます。(ネタ元は殆どTechEd Europeです)



・Office365 for small business
・Office365 for enterprises
・Office365 for education

1.MS OnlineIDのみ
2.MS OnlineID + DirSync
3.Federated ID + DirSync

これらのうち、1番目と2番目については以前のBPOSと変わらないので新しいオプションである3番目のフェデレーション+ディレクトリ同期について見ていきますが、この機能(フェデレーション)はfor enterpriseとfor educationについてのみサポートされます。

基本的には、AD FS2.0とOffice365側にあるFederation Provider(Microsoft Federation Gateway / MFG)を使ってOffice365上のアイデンティティ情報とオンプレミス(Active Directory)のアイデンティティのひも付けを行う(フェデレーション)という考え方です。
この際Office365側のアイデンティティストアとオンプレミスのアイデンティティストア(Active Directory)の情報の同期を行うのがDirSyncというツール、というわけです。
また、フェデレーションについてはブラウザを使う場合はPassiveプロファイルが使えますが、Outlook等のリッチクライアントを使う場合はActiveプロファイルでのアクセス(自らがIdPのエンドポイントをあらかじめ知っている必要がある)を行うため、初回のみService Connectorというツールのインストールが必要になります。

AD FS2.0 / MFGフェデレーションを行う
Service Connectorリッチクライアント(Outlook等)へのActive SSO設定を行う

ちなみにMFGは現段階ではSAML2.0をサポートしていないので、オンプレミスのフェデレーションサーバにAD FS2.0以外を持ってくる場合は注意が必要です。(AD FS2.0以外を使う構成がサポートされるかどうかはわかりませんが)


仕組み自体はBPOSのころと変わりませんが、このツールのバージョンもVersion 2に上がっており、例えば大きいところではセキュリティグループの同期などもサポートしています。



■参考セッション(TechEd Europe)
・COS301 - Microsoft Office 365 Directory Synchronization
・COS302 - Office 365: Identity and Access Solutions


TechEd Europe 2010 の Identity系セッション

TechEd Europe 2010がが今週(11/8-12)でベルリンで開催されています。

Office365のAD FS2.0を使ったフェデレーションなんかは今後日本でもニーズが出てきそうなので要チェックかと思います。

ARC303 - Architecting Claims-Aware Applications (with the Windows Identity Foundation and Active Directory Federation Services)
Claims, Tokens and (possibly) Federation are the new ways to model authentication, access control and personalization for distributed applications. The possibilities for these technologies are vast, but there are some well-established patterns to fit typical security scenarios. These include guidelines for the usage of claims, identity providers, resource security token services, federation gateways and multi-tenancy. This talk walks you through common application architectures and illustrates how to use the Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) to tap into the power of claims-based security

COS302 - Office 365: Identity and Access Solutions
This session provides a preview of the identity and access solutions in the next generation of the Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (Office 365). The session will focus on how authentication works for both web apps and rich client apps, how to enable single sign-on (SSO) using corporate AD credentials and AD FS 2.0 to Office 365 services, and the different SSO deployment options for Office 365 services.

OFS308 - Deploying Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 with Claims Authentication
This session will walk you step-by-step through the process of configuring a SharePoint web application to use SAML claims and ADFS v2. It will cover some basic usage scenarios, and describe specifically how they impact sites using SAML claims and how to implement common changes in a SAML claims environment. The session will also include some basic troubleshooting steps to help you understand why users may not be able to log on to a SAML claims site

SIA203-IS - Interactive Discussion on Identity Futures with Microsoft Program Managers
What does Identity mean to you? Do you want to influence the future of Microsoft's Identity offerings? This highly interactive, discussion-based session provides a unique opportunity to share real-world requirements and understand how your priorities align with those of other TechEd attendees. Members of Microsoft's Identity and Access product team will be on hand to absorb your feedback first-hand, and to guide participants through a fast-paced discussion covering a wide range of topics

SIA301-IS - Under the Hood: What Really Happens During Critical Active Directory Operations
Come and discuss critical Active Directory-Operations. Are you fully aware what “critical” operations in AD really do? In this interactive session we will talk about those operations, understanding what they are doing and how to distinguish whether operations are critical to your environment or not. Ulf has been working in the field for more than 13 years, and has a lot of notes and examples to share. We will talk about how to approach challenges, and study scenarios that show how other companies managed the associated risks and prepared for rollbacks. We have some common scenarios for everyone but please bring your own questions as well, as we want this talk to be as interactive as possible

SIA303-LNC - Common Identity Across On-premises, Private and Public Cloud
See how Forefront Identity Manager is used to provide self-service delegated management of on-premises and private cloud datacenter resources. You will learn how Forefront Identity Manager, Active Directory Federation Services and Windows Identity Foundation are being integrated to provision users and provide access to application services in the cloud (Azure and BPOS), and also how to configure FIM to ensure that quality identity data is available to these applications, and how users can perform self-service claims management

SIA305 - Windows Identity Foundation and Windows Azure for Developers
Claims-based identity provides an open and interoperable approach to identity and access control that can be applied consistently, both on-premises and in the cloud. Come to this session to learn about how Windows Identity Foundation can be used to secure your Web Roles hosted in Windows Azure, how you can take advantage of existing on-premises identities, and how to make the best of features in our cloud offering, such as certificate management and staged environments. This is an ideal session for developers

SIA306 - A Dozen Years AD - Discuss Previous and Future Design Decisions
Active Directory has evolved over the years, along with security recommendations and best practices. But has our corporate design changed that much? Is it required? What should we change, and what should we retain? Ulf B. Simon-Weidner is a long standing, internationally recognized expert in Active Directory, and in this session he will discuss Active Directory Designs of the past, present and future

SIA311 - Deploying and Managing Forefront Identity Manager 2010
Forefront Identity Manager 2010 is a powerful product that includes many features across multiple platforms. Deploying and managing FIM requires broad domain knowledge in technologies like Active Directory, SharePoint, Exchange, SQL, Windows Communication Foundation, Workflow Foundation and ILM 2007. This session covers the basic approaches, “tips and tricks”, and common problems faced by customers. It includes best practices for managing and deploying FIM, based on the knowledge and experience of the product team and work done with Microsoft IT. This is the session for attendees who plan to deploy, configure or administer FIM

SIA313 - Cloud Security: The Practical Meaning of Security, Identity and Access Revealed!
The CLOUD is coming. But let’s face it, you must have asked yourself if it possible to hack the claims? How can we prevent this? One thing is sure: moving from on-premises applications to the cloud is like moving from a home generator to the electricity grid. We put our trust in the external identity providers, but are we really sure that all of the security issues have been addressed? We focus on the application in the cloud, but is this really the application that we need to protect? New solutions bring new possible attack vectors, and not only from the outside! Come and see what can happen when the users, or even the administrators, become the bad guys.During this intensive and extremely practical session, presenters will guide you through the threats and challenges related to the industry standard- based services delivered by ADFS v2. Only real-life scenarios! Many practical demos!

SIA316 - Exploring the Possibilities of Forefront Identity Manager 2010: Meeting Business Requirements Through Customization
Forefront Identity Manager 2010 provides a sophisticated platform for enforcing policy in an organization. Often it is necessary to extend FIM to enable some business policies, and this is your opportunity to learn about techniques for extending FIM to meet your specific business requirements. This session introduces the recommended patterns for creating custom web service clients and workflow activities, and includes code examples for each that accomplish common scenarios, such as group management and authorization workflows. The session is designed for developers who are already familiar with FIM, and plan to extend FIM.

SIA318 - Windows Identity Foundation in the Real World
Are you wondering how customers are adopting Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) in the real world? What challenges do they face? What solutions are they implementing? This session presents a series of best practices collected, and lessons learned, during the implementation of large WIF solutions in the real world. We have included a series of practical demonstrations that illustrate how to address important aspects of WIF-based solutions, such as monitoring, scalability, testing, and claim and record management, among many others. Additionally, we will present three case studies that demonstrate how customers are leveraging these solutions to facilitate the implementation of WIF in the enterprise.

SIA320 - Impact of Cloning and Virtualization on Active Directory Domain Services
Customers are looking to further virtualize their environments: file servers, web servers, DNS servers and even their domain controllers. It is clear that virtualization provides many benefits in areas such as deployment, disaster-recovery and lowering TCO. However, while virtualization offers many powerful capabilities and greatly simplifies repetitive tasks, it is a technology that must be handled with care when used in conjunction with Active Directory. In this session we will review fundamental concepts within Active Directory and the impact of cloning & virtualization upon domain controllers, domain members and Windows in general. We will also discuss how to best leverage virtualization, and how to both mitigate problems and to avoid occurrences in the first place.

SIA321 - Explore Secure Collaboration Using Identity Federation in Forefront UAG Service Pack 1
Supercharge your federation solution with Forefront UAG SP1! Learn how UAG can simplify migration to a claims-aware environment, enabling secure, seamless access to all your applications. We will cover what is new in UAG SP1 and look at secure collaboration scenarios and federation via AD FS 2.0. We will demonstrate federation with legacy applications, by translating claims to Kerberos, and enforcing authorization at the edge level

SIA402 - Active Directory Federation Services - How do they really work?
Secure applications must be able to “trust” the identity of users who are accessing the resources. It is simple to establish that trust when Active Directory Windows authentication is used. And if the application needs further identity information about the user in order to qualify its response, the additional properties can be read from the Active Directory. When the application resides outside your realm, maybe in the Cloud or within a partner organization, how do we establish trust? This is where Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) provides a method of linking trust between disparate parties. One organization authenticates the user and creates an industry standard token that contains the Identity of the user in the form of claims. The receiving organization accepts the user’s identity and responds with the appropriate resources because of the established trust. Come to this deep dive, demo rich session and learn how to setup and leverage the true power of ADFS v2

SIA403 - How to (un)Destroy your Active Directory
As a consultant with 10 years of experience in troubleshooting ADDS and as MVP for Directory Services, I prepared an ADDS with the top 10 errors - all at the same time. During this session we will fix it step-by-step, while explaining the reason why this happened and how it can be avoided next time




セッションはおなじみのVittorio Bertocciによるもので
Identity & Access Control in the Cloud

2.Windows Azure上のアプリケーションの認証

  本人認証はActive Directoryを使うことによりアプリケーションから分離できる

2.Windows Azure上のアプリケーションの認証
  アプリケーションをWindows Azure上に持っていく
  STS(AD FS2.0)をDirectoryの上に乗せる=IdPとなる
  アプリケーション側にClaimを解釈する仕組み(Windows Identity Foundation=WIF

  HomeRealm Discoveryが必要になる
  →中間にFederation Providerを配置し、トークンの変換を行う
   Microsoftが用意したのがAppFabric Access Control Service(ACS)である

  課題は、それぞれプロトコルが違う(facebook api,openid,live api...)ことである
  WIFのようなライブラリが個々のプロトコル(しかも頻繁に変わる)をサポートするのではなく、Federation Providerでプロトコルを変換する


  モバイル(Windows Phone7)上で動くSilverlightアプリケーションの認証をACS経由でFacebookで行い、Azure上のサービスを利用する

尚、スライド上で出てくるデモについては今週ベルリンで開催されるTechEd Europeでさらに詳細に解説されるようです。
また、Windows Phone7でのデモについてはVittorioのblogで公開されています。

全体を通じて感じたことですが、PDCというDeveloper対象のイベントの性質上もあるのかも知れませんが、Identity Federationの訴求ポイントが「ソーシャルプロバイダとの連携機能を持つACSを使ったAzure上のアプリケーションを開発することにより、5億人もいるFacebookユーザをターゲットすることができる」というビジネスチャンスの拡大にあった点が印象的でした。

現状日本においてはIdentity FederationはあくまでIT管理者をターゲットに「いかにセキュアに自社のアプリケーションをクラウドに持っていくか」という点が訴求ポイントになっていることが多いと思われる中でこれは非常に印象が強かったポイントでした。(しかもマイクロソフトが公式に発言している点で)