



ということで、困った時はOxford English Distionaryということで調べてみましょう。







1.a. Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something; confidence or faith in a person or thing, or in an attribute of a person or thing. Chiefly with in (formerly also †of, †on, †upon, †to, †unto).


1.b. With possessive adjective: a person in whom or thing in which confidence is placed; an object or source of trust. Obsolete.


1.c. to take on (also upon) trust (formerly also †to take up in (also upon) trust †to receive in trust and variants): to believe or accept a statement, story, etc., without seeking verification or evidence for it.

(また、~を)信頼して引き受ける(かつては、~を信頼して引き受けるとも表記されていた): 検証や証拠を求めずに、ある主張や物語などを信じたり受け入れたりすること

2. The quality or condition of being trustworthy; loyalty; reliability; trustworthiness.


3. Confident expectation of something; hope. Also occasionally: an instance of this. Frequently with †of or that-clause. Now rare.


4.a. Law. The confidence or faith placed in a person or persons into whose possession assets, property, etc., are put, to be held or administered for the benefit of another. Chiefly in upon trust. Obsolete.


4.b. A legal arrangement whereby assets, property, etc., are put in the possession of a trustee or trustees to be held or administered for the benefit of another; assets, property, etc., held in this way. Cf. trust fund n. Formerly also: a trustee; the role of a trustee.

See also blind trust n., discretionary trust n., passive trust n., resulting trust n.

資産や財産などを受託者の管理下に置き、他者の利益のために保有または管理させる法的な取り決め。また、このように保有される資産や財産など。信託資金 n.を参照。以前は、受託者、受託者の役割とも呼ばれていた。

ブラインド・トラスト n.、裁量信託 n.、パッシブ・トラスト n.、結果的信託 n.も参照。

5.a. The state or condition of something which is put into the care or possession of someone. Only in in (also † on) trust. Obsolete.

誰かの管理下または所有下に置かれたものについて、その状態または状況。 受託(また† 受託)のみ。 廃語。

5.b. The state or condition of something which is put into the possession of a trustee or guardian, to be held or administered for the benefit of another. Only in in trust.

In early use influenced by sense 4a. 



6.a. The state or condition of having something committed to one's care or safekeeping, or of having confidence or faith placed in one; guardianship. In early use often in under trustin trust: in the state or condition of being entrusted with something. Now somewhat rare.

自分の保護または保管に委ねられている状態、または信頼や信用を寄せられている状態。保護。初期の用法では、しばしば「under trust(信託下)」、「in trust(信託下)」という形で使用されていた。現在は、やや珍しい用法である。 

6.b. The obligation or responsibility imposed on someone in whom confidence is placed or authority is vested, or who has undertaken to carry out a particular duty or role.


6.c. A duty or role entrusted to someone. Also: a thing or person committed to the care or safekeeping of another.


7.a. Confidence in the intention or ability of a customer to pay at a future time for goods or services supplied without immediate payment; = credit n. II.9a. Chiefly in on (also † upon,  of) trust and variants: without giving or receiving immediate payment.

顧客が将来、商品やサービスに対して支払う意思や能力に対する信頼。信用。II.9a. 主にon(また、† upon、† of)trustおよびその派生形:即時の支払いを行わず、また受け取らない。

7.b. figurative and in figurative contexts. Now somewhat rare.


8.a. Finance. A group of companies, industries, etc., organized to reduce or eliminate competition, or to control production and distribution for their common advantage. Also: spec. such a group with a governing body of trustees holding a majority of the stock of each participating company, and therefore having a controlling vote in their conduct.

Finance. 競争を減らす、あるいは排除したり、共通の利益のために生産や流通を管理したりするために組織された企業や産業などのグループ。また、各参加企業の株式の過半数を保有する受託者による管理機関を持つ、そのようなグループ。したがって、その運営には支配的な投票権がある。

8.b. Finance. An organization or company into which funds are paid by individuals, and then invested by trustees.

investment, unit trust, etc.: see the first element.



9. A game in which a dog is made to wait for a reward. Chiefly in on trust: (of a dog) waiting for a reward, often with a titbit in view; see trust v. 9. Now somewhat rare.

犬がご褒美を待たされるゲーム。主に信頼関係に基づいて:犬がご褒美を待つこと、おやつが目当てであることが多い。信頼 v. 9を参照。現在はやや珍しい。


我々の文脈で言うと1.c.にある「検証や証拠を求めずに、ある主張や物語などを信じたり受け入れたりすること」がTrusted Web推進協議会の定義である「事実の確認をしない状態で、相手先が期待したとおりに振る舞うと信じる度合い」と近いですね。

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