先週はTaiwan Digital Identity Wallet International Forumで登壇してきましたので、キーノートとしてお話した内容をメモしておきたいと思います。
As you know, the Digital Identity Wallet has recently become an emerging topic in the digital identity space. For example, the European Committee has started implementing the European Digital Identity Wallet, which allows citizens to bring their own digital identity documents, such as national ID cards or mobile driver's licenses. At the same time, interoperability is essential for adopting these wallets in the real world because we have an existing ecosystem without the digital identity wallet today.
So, today’s my talk is about interoperability between current identity ecosystems and a Digital Identity Wallet.
First, let’s think about our current situation when considering the term “interoperability.”
Since the fall of the Tower of Babel, we have been living in a world divided by different languages, different tribes, different cultures, and different social systems.
In other words, we have been living in a world where we have not been able to communicate well for a long time. This continued until the Age of Exploration, when trade between countries worldwide became more active.
For people like me who have lived in Asia, we have lived in a world that is very different from Western languages and cultures, and we are still living behind language barriers.
However, since the spread of the Internet began in the 1990s, the breakdown of regional divisions, including countries, has started. We have finally been freed from the constraints of physical location, and the need to communicate globally has arisen.
So, did a technology break down these barriers to allow us to communicate and trade freely globally?
At the moment, the answer is no.
We are currently living in a world divided by silos created by technology.
Even now, to transfer data freely across systems, we have to design and implement interfaces between systems each time, and even when it comes to identity, which is the theme of today's talk, it is still managed on a system-by-system basis. We often have to manage multiple accounts for each systems.
今でも、システム間でデータを自由にやりとりするためには、その都度、システム間のインターフェースを設計し実装しなければなりませんし、本日のテーマであるアイデンティティにしても、システムごとに管理されています。 システムごとに複数のアカウントを管理しなければならないこともよくあります。
We need a way to communicate across countries, jurisdictions, and systems.
And we already know of some examples that have been developed to some extent.
Email can be delivered anywhere in the world without a centralized system, and the telephone system allows us to make calls to people worldwide. In these systems, we can communicate without depending on the email user agent or telephone type.
Also, in the real world, we use passport to identify people on traveling to other countries.
Those of us involved in digital identity need to follow the example of these previous cases and work to create a world where interoperability is guaranteed.

And digital identities are not just for natural persons. There are various things in the real world, such as IoT devices and legal entities, are connected to the internet, and daily business transactions are carried out. Now is the time to design and implement a system so that all digital identities can be mutually operated with minimal friction.

Let's now take a closer look at interoperability. Even though we use the word 'interoperability,' it can be roughly divided into technical and non-technical aspects. When many engineers talk about interoperability, they often only focus on the technical side, but it is also essential to consider the non-technical side.
First, let's look at the technical aspects. We must consider the identifier format, transfer protocol, and data model, including the schema and signature algorithm.
In addition, on the non-technical side, we need to agree on the semantics that expresses what meaning the exchanged data has, the rules and framework within which the data is generated, and the trust framework that ensures the reliability of the entity state, etc.
Let's take a closer look at each of these elements from the next slide.

First of all, let's talk about identifiers. An identifier is an attribute identifying a particular entity within a specific set. This attribute can be a single attribute or multiple attributes.
The design of the identifier depends on the size of the set that contains the target entity. For example, designing an identifier within a local set differs significantly from creating one within an international or global set. For example, my family name is Fujie, but there may be no one else in this room with the same family name. In this situation, my family name could function as an identifier. However, when I go home to Japan, my family name does not function as an identifier because, as you know, all of my family members have the family name Fujie.
Finally, it is essential to consider privacy and persistence when considering identifiers. For example, suppose control of an identifier is taken away from you. In that case, there is a possibility that control over the identity information linked to that identifier will also be taken away from you. Also, suppose you are logged in to multiple services using the same identifier. In that case, there is a possibility that the services will collide with each other and merge your attribute information in an unintended way. To deal with such cases, it may be necessary to devise ways to ensure that users use different identifiers.
On the other hand, if users are not allowed to use the same identifier for an extended period, they may not be able to use the service continuously or may not be able to access past data.
From the perspective of interoperability, it is necessary to design systems that can correctly identify entities while considering privacy and persistence, not only in the current but also in a broader set in the future.
Identifiers may seem simple, but they must be designed very carefully.

Next, we will consider transport protocols. Transport protocols define the methods by which entities communicate with each other. In the context of digital credentials, transport protocols include issuing credentials to wallets, presenting credentials to verifiers, and revoking issued credentials by issuers.
To ensure interoperability, the multiple issuer, wallet, and verifier components must communicate using a method that has been agreed upon in advance.

Let's also consider data models. Schemas need to take into account the types and namespaces of attributes. Generally, gender is expressed using letters such as M and F, but in some cases, it is expressed using numbers such as 0 and 1. In addition, the attribute name family_name is sometimes used to express the family name, and the attribute name surname is sometimes used. In any case, related entities must agree on the names and types of attributes to achieve interoperability.
The algorithm used for digital signatures is also a very important factor. In general, it is necessary to verify digital signatures to verify the authenticity of digital credentials. Still, verification will not be possible if the issuer uses a signature algorithm that differs from what the verifier expects. Agreement on the signature algorithm is significant to avoid this.

As we have seen, reaching an agreement on identifiers, transport protocols, and data models is essential to achieve interoperability.
Many standardization organizations are working to develop standard specifications to facilitate this agreement. For example, the W3C has developed a specification called Decentralized Identifiers for identifiers, and the OpenID Foundation has developed a protocol for exchanging credentials called the OpenID for Verifiable Credenitals Issuance and the OpenID for Verifiable Presentations. The W3C and IETF have also formed working groups to create data models.
However, as you can see from this table, the current situation is that multiple standardization bodies are trying to develop their standard specifications. In this situation, no matter how much implementers adopt a standard, achieving interoperability with entities that use a different standard will not be possible.
多くの標準化団体が、この合意を促進するための標準仕様策定に取り組んでいます。例えば、W3Cは識別子としてDecentralized Identifiersと呼ばれる仕様を策定しており、OpenID FoundationはOpenID for Verifiable Credenitals IssuanceおよびOpenID for Verifiable Presentationsと呼ばれる認証情報の交換プロトコルを策定しています。また、W3CやIETFでもデータモデルのワーキンググループが結成されています。

Due to the situation explained in the previous slide, some people are defining and using profiles that combine multiple standards.
It is not realistic to reach agreement on the identifiers, transfer protocols, and data models for each entity. Therefore, we develop profiles that combine specifications for specific identifiers, specific transfer protocols, and specific data models, and the relevant entities agree to use these profiles.
This allows us to reduce the need for individual coordination between entities.
This approach is also used in the European Union, and the OpenID Foundation provides a profile called the High Assurance Interoperability Profile, or HAIP.

From this slide, I would like to consider the non-technology elements.
First of all, there is semantics. Suppose you receive a digitally signed credential. If you can only verify the signature, can you trust the information contained in the credential? I think it is difficult.
In other words, a digital signature only proves that the data has not been tampered with by a third party, and does not prove the reliability of the data itself or the reliability of the entity that sent it.
This is where a quality assurance framework is needed. For example, UNESCO has published a quality assurance framework that is intended for global use. This framework defines the levels of degrees at universities, etc., and by having educational institutions in each country issue degrees in accordance with this framework, the recipients of the credentials will be able to understand the meaning of the credentials.
まず、意味論があります。 デジタル署名された資格証明書を受け取ったとします。 署名の検証しかできない場合、その資格証明書に記載されている情報を信頼できるでしょうか? 難しいと思います。

Next, let's consider the trust framework. Let's ask the same question as on the previous page. Just because you have verified the digital signature on the credential you have received, does that mean you can trust the issuer of that credential? For example, if you have obtained the digital data of a graduation certificate with a digital signature, how can you confirm that the university that issued the certificate exists?
This is where a system called a trust framework comes into play. There are various types of trust frameworks, but general laws and regulations are also a type of trust framework. For example, the recipient of a certificate of qualification may believe that the issuer is operating under the country's laws and regulations that control the bank and that the government regularly audits the bank. In this case, the verifier believes in the laws and regulations of the country, so there is no need to visit the bank to confirm that the individual issuer is an actual bank. In this way, it is possible to reduce the cost of individual verification by designing and operating a system that includes certification and auditing.

In a few previous pages, we discussed the need for profiles. At that time, we focused on the technical aspects but also learned about the importance of trust frameworks on the previous page. That's right, profiles can include not only technological elements but also agreements on trust frameworks.
Because so many factors are involved in ensuring interoperability, using profiles that organize and correctly combine technical and non-technical aspects is efficient and effective.

As system architectures change daily, it is clear that systems based on multiple approaches will coexist. In the real world, we must consider interoperability between these systems.
In this slide, I want to explain the recent paradigm shift in digital identity systems.
This diagram shows how the identity paradigm has changed from a centralized world to a decentralized one.
In the centralized identity system, as I mentioned earlier, it is crucial to manage identity information in the centralized database. However, there are various side effects, such as the need to keep a non-active user account in the database, making license costs expensive. It may cause identity theft attack because nonactive user cannot be aware their identities were stolen since they are not using their accounts.
Also, a centralized authentication system is quite helpful in gathering sign-in logs. Still, the system's availability is quite crucial because if the system fails, all users cannot log in to all applications.
On the other hand, in the decentralized identity world, users' identity data is stored in the user's wallet, which is typically installed on smartphones. So, users can bring their identity and authenticate it through their purse, and there is no effect on other users if the user’s wallet is offline.
In addition, users can aggregate attributes from multiple data sources in a single wallet, aggregate them, and present them to the application. The application can get various attributes from the user’s wallet and determine access permission.

We at the OpenID Foundation support the SIDI Hub, a community established to ensure interoperability in global digital identity. The SIDI Hub is considering ensuring interoperability in a world where various system architectures coexist from multiple perspectives, including systems and governance.
We have defined three types of system architecture: federated, wallet-based, and API-based, and we are considering what methods might be used to connect systems that use each of these architectures. For example, we are researching the possibility of building a proxy module between an API-based identity provider and a federated relying party.
私たちOpenIDファウンデーションは、グローバルなデジタルアイデンティティの相互運用性を確保するために設立されたコミュニティであるSIDI Hubを支援しています。SIDI Hubでは、システムやガバナンスなど、さまざまな観点から、さまざまなシステムアーキテクチャが共存する世界における相互運用性の確保について検討しています。

Let's take a brief look at federation-type identity systems.
This type of architecture is the mainstream of current identity systems; for example, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and LINE also use this method.
In this system, applications are configured in a way that relies on external identity systems, and by clicking on buttons such as “Sign in with Apple” or “Sign in with Google,” users are redirected to the Apple or Google identity system. After that, the results of the user being authenticated by Apple or Google are presented to the application, and the login is complete.
This system is very well standardized, and protocols such as SAML and OpenID Connect are the mainstream and are adopted worldwide.
このシステムでは、アプリケーションは外部のIDシステムに依存する形で構成され、「Appleでサインイン」や「Googleでサインイン」などのボタンをクリックすると、ユーザーはAppleやGoogleのIDシステムにリダイレクトされます。その後、Apple または Google によるユーザー認証の結果がアプリケーションに表示され、ログインが完了します。
このシステムは非常に標準化されており、SAML や OpenID Connect などのプロトコルが主流となっており、世界中で採用されています。

In the wallet-based model, users store their own identities in software called a wallet and carry it with them.
This model is sometimes called the Issuer-Holder-Verifier (IHV) model, as it contains three components: the Issuer, which issues credentials; the Holder, which holds credentials; and the Verifier, which verifies credentials.
As I mentioned in the previous slide about paradigm shifts, this model is expected to support new use cases. For example, because Holders do not need to contact Issuers when presenting credentials to Verifiers, it will be possible to support new use cases, such as offline cases.
However, there are many competing standards, and the IETF, ISO, OIDF, W3C, and other organizations are all actively working to develop their specifications.

The last model is the API type. Unlike the previous two, this one is often a system that was introduced without a specific standard specification. It can remain in a closed environment.

It is very challenging to interconnect systems of different architectures introduced so far. This is because it is often difficult to modify already working systems. Therefore, we sometimes take the approach of placing components called proxies or brokers between systems. The proxy absorbs and converts differences in protocols and data models.
While this approach is often a temporary solution, it tends to create problems in the overall trust model because of the need to trust the proxy.
For example, it is structured like this diagram. There is a wallet-based system in the center. However, because modifying the existing IdP to enable direct communication with the wallet is impossible, the Issuer component is developed as a proxy, and a federation relationship is established with the IdP. Similarly, the Verifier component is developed as a proxy because it is difficult to modify the existing Relying Party to present credentials from the wallet. It behaves as an Identity Provider from the Relying Party's point of view.
例えば、次のような構成です。中心にウォレットベースのシステムがあります。しかし、既存のIdPを変更してウォレットとの直接通信を可能にすることは不可能であるため、発行者コンポーネントをプロキシとして開発し、IdPとフェデレーション関係を確立します。同様に、既存の依拠当事者(Relying Party)を変更してウォレットからのクレデンシャルを提示することは困難であるため、検証者コンポーネントもプロキシとして開発します。依拠当事者から見ると、このコンポーネントはアイデンティティプロバイダーとして動作します。

I want to introduce one actual use case.
This is a project by the National Institute of Informatics to digitize learner credentials. In this project, learning records issued from existing learning management systems are issued to wallets, and the credentials are used to verify qualifications when submitting papers, etc.
The challenge in implementing the project was that many academic systems, not just in Japan, use the SAML protocol, and in Japan, too, many SAML-based identity systems operate within the ecosystem of the academic federation known as GakuNin. In addition, the learning management system in question was developed based on a middleware called Moodle, and it was necessary to implement a unique API to issue credentials.

This diagram shows an overview of the GakuNin ecosystem that we explained earlier.
The National Institute of Informatics provides the trust framework, and certified universities and research institutions' identity providers and certified applications such as learning management systems and research databases are deployed as relying parties within the ecosystem.
By being authenticated by the university or institution's identity provider, students and researchers can securely single sign-on to many applications, creating a very convenient and secure environment.

We decided to introduce a wallet-based system into this federated environment.
For this reason, we took these approaches to the challenge of interoperability.
First, we embedded the OpenBadge credential the Learning Management System issued using its own API into the Verifiable Credential. We placed a gateway service between Moodle and the wallet and constructed it as an issuer that issues verifiable credentials based on the OpenBadge issued by Moodle. In other words, from the wallet's point of view, the gateway service appears as an Issuer.
Secondly, the Verifiable Credential presented by the wallet was embedded inside the SAML assertion. Since the existing Relying Party supports the SAML protocol, it was impossible to show the Verifiable Credential directly. Therefore, the OpenBadge extracted from the Verifiable Credential was embedded as one of the attributes inside the SAML assertion, and the credential was presented to the Relying Party. To achieve this, we developed a Wallet to SP Connector component. We configured it to appear as a Verifier to the Wallet and an Identity Provider to the Relying Party.
Of course, the Relying Party still needs to implement the appropriate logic to extract the OpenBadge from the SAML assertion, verify it, and use it. Still, there was no need to modify to support new protocols such as OpenID for Verifiable Presentation.
次に、ウォレットが提示した検証可能なクレデンシャルはSAMLアサーション内に埋め込まれました。既存のリライングパーティはSAMLプロトコルをサポートしているため、検証可能なクレデンシャルを直接提示することはできません。そのため、検証可能なクレデンシャルから抽出したOpenBadgeをSAMLアサーション内の属性の1つとして埋め込み、リライングパーティにクレデンシャルを提示しました。これを実現するために、私たちは Wallet to SP Connector コンポーネントを開発しました。 Wallet に対してはベリファイアとして、また、リライングパーティに対してはアイデンティティプロバイダーとして表示されるように構成しました。
もちろん、リライングパーティは、SAML アサーションから OpenBadge を抽出し、それを検証し、使用するための適切なロジックを実装する必要があります。それでも、OpenID for Verifiable Presentation などの新しいプロトコルをサポートするために修正する必要はありませんでした。

This is an overview of the system.
First, the user issues a badge using the Learning Management System. At this point, the user is authenticated using the existing Identity Provider.
Next, the badge is issued to the user's wallet. When the user accesses the gateway, the gateway is also federated with the same Identity Provider as the Learning Management System, and the user is prompted for authentication. This way, the user is granted the appropriate permissions to execute the Moodle API. The gateway service then performs the Moodle API to obtain the issued badge and generate a verifiable credential. The gateway then issues the verifiable credential to the user's wallet as the issuer.
The issuance is now complete.
Finally, let's look at the presentation. In this case, we want to present the credential to the Gakunin RDM research database, but Gakunin RDM only supports the SAML protocol so we will use the Wallet to SP Connector. When the user accesses a specific page on Gakunin RDM, Gakunin RDM uses the SAML protocol to start the Wallet to SP Connector. This is the same operation as a standard SAML-based federation, so it is very easy to implement. When the Wallet to SP Connector is started, it requests the user's wallet to present a verifiable credential per the OpenID for Verifiable Presentation protocol. When the user presents the credential in their purse, the Wallet to SP Connector verifies the signature of the credential, extracts the embedded badge information from the credential, and configures it as a SAML assertion, then sends it to Gakunin RDM using the SAML protocol.
This allows Gakunin RDM to obtain the desired learning credential information, which can then be used to perform access control and other processing.
次に、バッジがユーザーのウォレットに発行されます。ユーザーがゲートウェイにアクセスすると、ゲートウェイも学習管理システムと同じアイデンティティプロバイダとフェデレーションされており、ユーザーに認証が求められます。これにより、ユーザーにはMoodle APIを実行する適切な権限が付与されます。次に、ゲートウェイサービスがMoodle APIを実行して発行済みのバッジを取得し、検証可能な資格情報を生成します。次に、ゲートウェイが発行者として、検証可能な資格情報をユーザーのウォレットに発行します。
最後に、プレゼンテーションについて見てみましょう。このケースでは、学認RDM研究用データベースにクレデンシャルを提示したいのですが、学認RDMはSAMLプロトコルしかサポートしていないので、Wallet to SP Connectorを使用します。ユーザーが学認RDM上の特定のページにアクセスすると、学認RDMはSAMLプロトコルを使用してWallet to SP Connectorを開始します。これは標準的なSAMLベースのフェデレーションと同じ操作なので、実装は非常に簡単です。Wallet to SP Connectorが起動すると、OpenID for Verifiable Presentationプロトコルに従って、ユーザーのウォレットに検証可能なクレデンシャルの提示を要求します。ユーザーが財布内のクレデンシャルを提示すると、Wallet to SP Connectorはクレデンシャルの署名を検証し、クレデンシャルから埋め込みのバッジ情報を抽出し、それをSAMLアサーションとして構成し、SAMLプロトコルを使用して学認RDMに送信します。

We will also introduce activities that address other non-technical considerations.
Open Identity Exchange is working to map the trust frameworks of each country and identify differences.
For example, this will enable the EU to understand what rules were used to issue the credentials issued by Japan and to determine whether additional measures are necessary.
Open Identity Exchangeは、各国の信頼フレームワークをマッピングし、相違点を特定する作業を行っています。
There are also activities in the academic world to map frameworks related to qualification levels.
In the academic world, there are two main types of credentials: micro-credentials, mainly learning records, and macro-credentials, which are qualifications such as degrees and credits.
While micro-credentials are becoming increasingly digitized, as in the case of the NII example mentioned earlier, OpenBadge, it is tough to standardize the difficulty of skills. I think this will continue to be a challenge. On the other hand, about macro-credentials, UNESCO has established standards for skill levels so that each country can define levels based on these standards.
This is the approach to global standards and mapping as defined by UNESCO.
In this example, the EQF developed by Europe based on UNESCO standards is mapped to the frameworks of other countries.
For example, EQF Level 4 is mapped to Country X Level 5 and Country Y Level 3.

In addition, we will introduce some of the activities that have been taking place in Japan recently.
Trusted Web has been underway since 2020, and research into digital identity wallets is being carried out. In addition, the introduction of national ID cards and mobile driver's licenses is already being planned. Starting next March, it will be possible to issue permits for smartphones. In addition, various studies are underway to enable the interoperability of academic credentials with other countries, so I hope that in the future, studies on interoperability with Taiwan and other countries will progress
2020年からTrusted Webが動き出しており、デジタルIDウォレットの研究が進められています。また、国民IDカードやモバイル運転免許証の導入もすでに計画されています。来年3月からは、スマートフォンでの許可証発行が可能になります。また、学歴の相互運用性についても諸外国との間でさまざまな研究が進められており、今後は台湾などとの相互運用性についての研究が進むことを期待しています

Let me finish by summarizing.
First, interoperability is a technical issue and a non-technical consideration, such as rules and frameworks. It is essential to reach agreement on technical matters such as identifiers, transport protocols, and data models. I also explained that semantics and trust frameworks are necessary from a non-technical perspective.
I also explained that we need to respond to the recent paradigm changes of identity systems. To introduce a wallet-based system into a federation-type system that has been used in the past, it is thought that it will be necessary to use components such as proxies and gateways temporarily. I also mentioned that by comparing trust frameworks, it will be possible to clarify what additional processing the systems require to be connected.
In the future, we will need to connect many systems to overcome the silo-based society that has continued since the fall of the Tower of Babel. I hope that we can continue to have discussions like this with everyone.
Thank you.